Friday, May 18, 2012

Homeward Bound

Loyal blog readers,

Today is our final day in Barrow, Alaska.  Our day today started with sleeping in! (Until 8AM.....) Had breakfast and said our goodbyes to Steve, the friendly cook who has helped us out so much during our stay.  Jess and Peter then finished their last college assignment, the teaching e-portfolio. (Surprise surprise, Katie was already done.....)  We then went to the gym for a final workout in Barrow before our overnight flight.

After lunch was packing time and Peter went for a ski (last one of the year--on May 18th!).  Now we're all hanging out while Jess jams the last few things into her bag. All three of us have officially stuffed our suitcases as full as possible, needing to sit on them to close them (seriously).  We are now set and ready to go home.

This entire experience has been life changing! We've really enjoyed our time here in Barrow.  Everyone was very welcoming and supportive of us during our stay.  We had three great cooperating teachers and the entire staff at Eben Hopson Middle School was outstanding!  We all felt included and like we were really a part of the school.  We've created a lot of fun memories that we will have with us for the rest of our lives.  Maybe someday we will return to the Top of the World to visit all the friends that we've made.  We will miss everyone dearly and wish them all well.

This experience was unforgettable and a great way to finish our college experience!

Midwestern readers, we'll see you soon!

Alaskan readers, thanks for the great memories, maybe we'll meet again!

The Three Musketeers

p.s. Your last lesson in Inupiaq- specific to middle school students

I jokes= used instead of I'm kidding.  NECESSARY WHEN USING SARCASM, people up here don't get it.  At all. It's not entirely correct English, but still gets the point across, especially when it's the cute little ones that say it.

No, I never= a solid denial of guilt, usually used when guilty

Atchuu (pronounced "achoo!") = Inupiaq word that means I don't know.  Kids can use it.  If teachers use it the kids say "Bless You!"

CAN'T SEE= Yelled from a student when the teacher is in the way of the board.  Incredibly obnoxious.  It was a 6 week lesson in teaching kids to ask nice for the teacher to move.

Watch carefully, raised eyebrows means yes.

I'm doing it= No, no you're not.  Good try though.

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