Friday, April 27, 2012

Culture shock??

Every afternoon we are picked up by our friend Simon.  Simon is from California.  Simon wears shorts nearly every day.  I don't get it either.

However, when we are picked up in the lovely Ilisagvik mini-van, you can generally hear the music blaring from 10 feet away.  And it's generally Reggae.  (Now, which Gustavus Education Department professor does this remind you of.......) Hearing a little "Apple to My Eye" every afternoon is a great way to relax after a day of teaching middle schoolers.  Simon drives the van all day long, it's his full-time job, and he jams out all day long!  Sadly, he doesn't have dreadlocks, because that would be the icing on the cake.

Now, at first you'd think that Simon was the one guy who listened to reggae in Barrow Alaska.  That's what I'd thought too! But then, when Mark (the native eskimo who drives us in the morning) drives us to school in the morning, he jams to reggae.  The same was true with Carol, the third van driver!  Then we stopped at Pepe's, the farthest north Mexican restaurant....and they were playing reggae!!?

So I thought to myself, "Self, why do people in Barrow, Alaska listen to reggae?" Then I paid some more attention. There is a fairly large population of folks from Samoa and other pacific islands in Barrow.  Which explains the reggae.  But still doesn't explain why Simon wears shorts everyday...........

Ponder that one for a bit,

Stay warm,


12 year old girl quote of the day: "Mr. Larsen, you should try Bosley."  


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